Hands of person applying silver leaf to picture frame in artist's studio

Hands of person applying silver leaf to picture frame in artist's studio

Image ID: 11394316
License type: Rights Managed
Photographer: © living4media / Bressan e Trentani
Rights: This image is available for exclusive uses upon request
Restrictions: not available in IT
Model Release: not required
Location:Mailand, IT
Print size: approx. 28.91 × 43.35 cm at 300 dpi
ideal for prints up to DIN A4

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(book, digital media, magazine, newspaper, television etc.)
starting at $20
(electronic, outdoor, print, television etc.)
starting at $45
consumer product
(calendar, greeting, post card, packaging etc.)
starting at $110

Series Icon This image is part of a series

Artist carving a wooden frame Hands of person applying silver leaf to picture frame in artist's studio Various picture and mirror frames in artist's studio Hands of person applying gold leaf to artwork in artist's workshop Various shelves and materials in artist's workshop Artist's studio with tins of paint and plastic storage boxes on shelving and various wooden picture frames


Artisan Artist's workshop Artistic Blur Blurred Blurred background Brush close up Close-Range Photograph Close-Up Closeup Hand Hand (human) Idea Indoors Inside Interior Interior Decoration Interior Design Labor Labour Out Of Focus Paint Brush Picture Frame Picture Frames Profession Restaurateur restoration work restoring Series Silver Silver Leaf Silver-Coated Silvered Silvered-Plated Soft Focus Somebody Someone to restore Unfocused Vintage Work workman-like

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