Bouquet of roses and Tanacetum

Bouquet of roses and Tanacetum

Image ID: 13655879
License type: Rights Managed
Photographer: © living4media / StockFood Studios / Westermann, Jan-Peter
Rights: This image is available for exclusive uses upon request
Model Release: not required
Property Release: not required
Print size: approx. 34.58 × 51.84 cm at 300 dpi
ideal for prints up to DIN A3

Prices for this image

(book, digital media, magazine, newspaper, television etc.)
starting at $20
(electronic, outdoor, print, television etc.)
starting at $45
consumer product
(calendar, greeting, post card, packaging etc.)
starting at $110

Series Icon This image is part of a series

Bouquet of roses and Tanacetum Menu cards on wooden skewers Linen napkins decorated with rosemary sprigs Tea candles in scallop shells


Bouquet Bunch Of Flowers Country House Style Decoration Floral Art Floral Decoration Floristics Flower Flower Arrangements Flower Decoration Home-Made Homemade Marguerite Flower Marguerite Flowers Marguerites Non-Food Pink pink roses Pinkish Pinkness Pinky Rose Bouquet Rose decoration Roses Series Somebody Someone Studio Photo Studio Shot Summer Summer Decoration Summertime Summery Table Centre Table Decoration Table-Centre Tablecentre

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